Thursday, September 20, 2012

Laughing at Myself

I try to keep up with my assignments following Thomas Jefferson's rule..."Never put off until tomorrow what you can do today". His Ten Rules sit in front of me on my desk at home reminding me about how to live my life. For this class and my core class, OTEC 602, I try to work on assignments as soon as I know they are assigned. For the most part, I'm working about a week ahead.

Well tonight I had to laugh at myself. I was rushing around after work...went to the bank, did some light grocery shopping, then made dinner. I even told my friend that I couldn't go to Yoga. At about 5:55 p.m. I settled at my laptop, logged into Blackboard Collaborate only to find that I was the only one there. I quickly looked at my calendar, checked the date and realized I am a week too early. All I could do was laugh and my son laughed louder.

Never put off until tomorrow what you can do well for most of my life. For school, it has worked for me in all my asynchronous activities. I try to do what is easiest first so I have more time to tackle the harder stuff. The screencast, for example, took me a long time to get it to a point where I was satisfied with it. I want to use it in my classroom so it had to be just right. I just posted it last night after working on it since Monday.

What it doesn't work for is a synchronous activity where everyone needs to meet at a certain time. Makes sense! So, do I need to, I don't think so.  I'll continue to do my school work as I have been, but I'll be sure to pay attention to the actual dates.

"Laughter is an instant vacation." I don't know who said this, but it's true. I know I enjoyed it. It put me at ease; I could least for one evening (a short vacation).


  1. Oh, Annette, this is so funny. I laughed right along with you...definitely had a feeling of "been there, done that" :) Thanks for sharing! I envy that you are so on top of the task. I think I need to find quotes by better role models...LOL.

  2. You bring up such a good point! If you can do today, why not do it today? So many time I feel overwhelmed at the stack of tasks that pile up on my desk at work, HR documents, Staff timesheets, evaluations, blah blah blah. I timed myself how long it took to complete one of those tasks--filing, or emailing-- 1 minute or less! Wow, so much less stress once we're able to put everything into perspective.

  3. You bring up such a good point! If you can do today, why not do it today? So many time I feel overwhelmed at the stack of tasks that pile up on my desk at work, HR documents, Staff timesheets, evaluations, blah blah blah. I timed myself how long it took to complete one of those tasks--filing, or emailing-- 1 minute or less! Wow, so much less stress once we're able to put everything into perspective.

  4. Task! So many tasks to do and to take care of. My sociology background says, roles come in to conflict with priorities. Well, what to do then? I say put an equal amount of weight on everything. Hard to do? Perhaps, maybe if we stop prioritizing and start doing, maybe we'll get out from under that pile of tasks and finally start living. Great Post!
