Monday, August 27, 2012

Bucket List

I am starting my new journey and I am loving it. I got accepted in the Master's in Educational Technology at the University of Hawaii in the Fall of 2012.  This goal has been on my Bucket List for a long time. Family and work responsibilities are right where I can manage going back to school. So far, I think I'm managing well. I love learning...I realize that I know a lot but I have so much more to learn.


  1. Hi Annette,

    I'm so happy you are part of our OTEC Ohana and in this class. The title of your post "Bucket List" is interesting as you have shared this is one of them. Will your blog be sharing additional items on this list and plans to conquer them all? The template you chose to use with the road also is very symbolic of the path you are on. May you continue to be blessed on your journey <3


    1. Thank you, Berna...that's a great idea. I should blog about more on my bucket list as I attempt and finish them. Thank you also for the blessing...yes, I chose this template because it matched the journey. I was going to choose the pink one but I am thrilled with this one.

      Aloha, Annette

  2. Hi Annette,
    Congratulations on your wedding anniversary! My husband and I celebrated our 20th 3 years ago.

    I know that you'll enjoy your time here in the program. I too had wanted to do this for many years, and finally committed to entering the program in the fall of 2010. The ETEC/OTEC community of students and teachers have been wonderful.

    BTW, what sorts of things do you teach in your computer classes?

    Best wishes,

  3. Hi Susan,
    Thank you! Congratulations to you and your hubby too. Happy 23rd to you and blessing for many more years together.

    I am new to teaching in the lab. I plan to have them do keyboarding (a whole school request) and teach them Microsoft Office applications (since we have them on all our computers). The first few weeks, I've been having them, not to my liking, take Race to the Top, District chosen assessments. Our kids have so many assessments these days. I commented to my principal today that our students are so well behaved. I have been blessed to be teaching in various roles in this school for the last 12 years.

    Aloha, Annette

  4. Hi Annette,

    What kinds of applications do you use to teach keyboarding? Just curious if they are game-like/fun :)


  5. Hi Kay,

    Yes, I use free web based keyboard games. My students have been loving, I had a whole class of 1st graders want to stay in for recess to practice their skills on Keyboard Jungle.

    Aloha, Annette

  6. Congrats on venturing down the road toward one of your lifelong goals. It's great to be in a place where you have the opportunity to pursue this dream. I am a strong advocate for taking advantage of opportunities that present themselves because one can never really be sure how long they will last. I enjoyed getting to work with you the other day. I'm sure you proactive nature will serve you well in this program, something I have a lot to learn about.
